Team Submariner © 2021
A planesman and periscope operator submarine simulator, developed in Unity and produced for the Royal Navy as a means to acquire potential sailors at recruitment events. Part of my first-year group project at the University of Portsmouth.
As part of one of my modules in the first year of my degree (BSc (Hons) Computer Games Technology), we were assigned to work on a project for a client. This was extremely strange, because out of all the other students on the course, we were the only team working for a real external client which turned out to be the Royal Navy. What I found out later, was that this project was actually previously assigned to final years who were graduated the year prior, but could not complete the project due to COVID19.
I took numerous different roles on this team, primarily directing QA testing, UI/UX Design, and System Infrastructure, as well as contributing large portions to the codebase. Before this project, I had already been in my role at Splitting Point and had been working in teams internationally for a long time, but one of the biggest educational reminders I had from this experience is the importance of both team chemistry and organisation. There was a transition of leadership midway through the project, and while I have previously experienced this in other projects, it's a very different ball game when you're a part of a group of budding game devs who have a lot of different ideas.
I documented my experience as part of one of my assignments. If you wish to check that out, please click here.
Conceptualizing, designing, and implementation of Core Game Framework which handles Win/Loss/Pausing and Game State in general.
General Bug Fixing and Programming Contributions.
Early Planning and Game Design Contributions
Conceptualizing, designing, and implementation of User Interface/User Experience and User Interface Programming.
Quality Assuring and testing final product through the use of a bug-reporting excel sheet. (we didn't have Jira. :P)
national project (being shown across the country and potentially internationally)
worked with the royal navy, and government by proxy
representing the university as a student part of this project
23.5% of systems developed by me
40.6% of systems developed or contributed on by me
77% of 2D art assets contributed by me